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Главная » Статьи » Тексты песен/Lyrics » The Dirty Shame - Smog Cutter Love Story (2001)

Hospital Bed
Aaa-aa-aaa-aa-aaa-aa (x 2)
When you came to see me
In that hospital bed,
They had pulled out the plug,
And they had left me for dead,
I had started on a journey
Down that tunnel of light,
One look in your eyes –
And everything was alright,
When you came to see me
In that hospital bed
Aaa-aa-aaa-aa-aaa-aa (x 2)
And now we’ve got a little time
Before that trumpet sounds,
And the earth rises up
To swallow me down,
Will you stay here now
At the end of my days?
Will you give me your heart
Until that sad waltz plays?
Will you stay beside me
In that hospital bed?
Aaa-aa-aaa-aa-aaa-aa (x 2)
So draw the curtains,
Look out for the nurse,
You said you loved me
Through better and through worse,
For richer, for poor,
In sickness and in health,
You have held onto my hand,
Though it’s a bad hand I’ve been dealt,
Will you stay beside me
In that hospital bed?
Will you stay beside me
In that hospital bed?
Aaa-aa-aaa-aa-aaa-aa (x 4,5)
Категория: The Dirty Shame - Smog Cutter Love Story (2001) | Добавил: Leelanders (16.10.2012) | Автор: Tyler Spencer
Просмотров: 447 | Рейтинг: 4.0/1
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