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Главная » Статьи » Тексты песен/Lyrics » The Dirty Shame - Smog Cutter Love Story (2001)

Chinese Restaurant
This is the sad, sad story
Of a man and his food,
Alone in his kitchen of love
His culinary methods are quite crude
The dishes he prepares each night
Never taste that good,
And when it comes to love,
He never eats the way he should
And then the girl on the radio
Says that she wants to be my girl,
And then the girl on the radio
Says that she wants to be my world
My lover is a Chinese restaurant,
My lover is a Chinese restaurant,
Every Monday night I can eat all I want
Love is a feast, and it’s time to feed,
But every night my plate stays clean,
Love is the fuel of the soft machine,
And every night my tank’s on ‘E’
And then the guy on the television
Says I can have it made my way,
And then the guy on the television
Says I can have it anyway I want
My lover is a frozen fish fillet,
My lover is a frozen fish fillet,
I can heat her up in a microwave
And if my mouth stops eating,
My heart stops beating,
I finally start needing love
And then the girl on the radio
Tells me I’m everything she’s ever dreamed of
My lover is a Chinese restaurant,
My lover is a Chinese restaurant,
My lover is a Chinese restaurant ,
Every Monday night I can eat all I want
Категория: The Dirty Shame - Smog Cutter Love Story (2001) | Добавил: Leelanders (16.10.2012) | Автор: Tyler Spencer
Просмотров: 463 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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