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Главная » Статьи » Тексты песен/Lyrics » Switzerland (2006)

I Wish This Song Was Louder
The need to turn it up is overwhelming,
I just can't sit still anymore,
I wanna break things with my hammer,
I wanna start a little war
Isn't that what this little red button here is for?
I wish this song was louder!
I wish this song was louder!
Evil policemen patrol the city,
They look for somebody to kill,
They done a little damage
They wanna do some more now,
And they probably will,
And they probably will
I wish this song was louder!
I wish this song was louder!
One night I had a vision,
That the world was taken over
By a race of dirty filthy birds,
I dropped to my knees
And I prayed for mercy,
But they never understood a word,
No, I was never heard
Hey now, cheeky monkey!
Take a ride on the dirty donkey!
I wish this song was louder!
I wish this song was louder!
Категория: Switzerland (2006) | Добавил: Leelanders (20.03.2012) | Автор: Spencer
Просмотров: 285 | Теги: louder | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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