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Главная » Статьи » Тексты песен/Lyrics » Sexy Trash (2008)

Telephone Conversation
Sending you an e-mail of a telephone number
My phone is always with me, it’s a very small wonder,
I can call you from McDonalds or Koo Koo Roo
We could have a telephone conversation,
Talk about what we’re going to do,
I’ve got a telephone,
I hope you do too
Listen to me talking to you through the receiver,
I’m talking and I’m talking, and I’m talking to you,
I’m telling you what’s up,
I’ll never be a deceiver,
The truth is something I would never misconstrue
We could have a telephone conversation,
Talk about what we’re going to do,
I’ve got a telephone,
I hope you do too,
And you do!
And you do!
Sending you an e-mail of a telephone number
My phone is always with me, it’s a very small wonder,
I can call you from McDonalds or Koo Koo Roo
We could have a telephone conversation,
Talk about what we’re going to do,
I’ve got a telephone,
I hope you do too,
And you do!
And you do!
Категория: Sexy Trash (2008) | Добавил: Leelanders (10.06.2012) | Автор: Tyler Spencer
Просмотров: 389 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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