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Главная » Статьи » Тексты песен/Lyrics » Sexy Trash (2008)

One More Time
Girl, we've seen the years go by,
But I think we've reached the end of the line,
Though you'll always be a friend of mine,
Cause the good Lord tore you out of my side
You were maybe seventeen and me…
I was me
I was me
I was me
I was me...
Now I never been too good with words,
But you gotta hear me now cause I got to be heard,
I've got a fire burning inside of me
And you must entertain this final plea, yeah
You are looking good as hell tonight,
How about me?
How about me?
How about me?
How about me...
You were the first to blow up my scene,
My lady Madonna,
My beauty queen,
Officer, stop that lady,
She's getting away with my heart,
I see...
Категория: Sexy Trash (2008) | Добавил: Leelanders (10.06.2012) | Автор: Tyler Spencer
Просмотров: 366 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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