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Главная » Статьи » Тексты песен/Lyrics » Sexy Trash (2008)

Into The Roppongi
Policeman watching you,
I see everything the policeman sees
Ten buildings for every five trees,
The policeman, he waves me through,
That's the difference between me and you
Here we go, here we go
Into the Roppongi,
Looking to pick up a Japenese… venereal disease
You’re just another sick American at Yoshinoya,
There's something very wrong with us,
(Something wrong with us)
There's something very wrong with us,
(Something wrong with us)
There's something very wrong with us,
(Something wrong with us)
So let's go out tonight,
Let's go out tonight
Subway passenger,
I see everything that the passenger sees
Ten people for every zero trees,
He's marvelling at what we have done,
Absolutely, positively no fun
Here we go, here we go
Into New York City,
Looking at hot tits on ice 'til we freeze
And drinking DVDs
White girl in a black blockbuster video,
There's something very wrong with us,
(Something wrong with us)
There's something very wrong with us,
(Something wrong with us)
There's something very wrong with us,
(Something wrong with us)
So let's go out tonight
Let's go out tonight
Категория: Sexy Trash (2008) | Добавил: Leelanders (10.06.2012) | Автор: Tyler Spencer
Просмотров: 374 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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