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Главная » Статьи » Тексты песен/Lyrics » Sexy Trash (2008)

I Buy The Drugs
And I don't mind your rabid doggy,
And I don't mind it when it bites,
Cause the days and nights, and the nights are longer,
We're watching days turn into nights
I buy the drugs,
I light the fire,
I am your main supplier,
I am your man and I buy the drugs
I can be the jump start for the car, parked in your mind,
Cause you left the lights on all night long,
We can drive for miles and miles, and miles,
And miles, and miles, and miles, and miles away
Have you ever smelt her clothes, her sexy clothes?
Have you ever got to know her, like I do?
Have you ever reversed roles,
Gave up control,
Stayed home and let your woman
Support you?
I buy the drugs,
I light the fire,
I am your main supplier,
I am your man and I buy the drugs
I can be the jump start for the car, parked in your mind,
Cause you left the lights on all night long,
We can drive for miles and miles, and miles,
And miles, and miles, and miles, and miles away
If you ever find yourself in need,
You can submit your request in writing,
And this is what you do:
Send in a self-addressed stamped envelope
To PO Box 900,
Los Angeles,
And I will fill your prescription with some degree of accuracy,
Then I'll send it back to you,
Then I'll send it back to you,
Then I'll send it back to you
I buy the drugs
I buy the drugs
I buy the drugs
I buy the drugs
Категория: Sexy Trash (2008) | Добавил: Leelanders (10.06.2012) | Автор: Tyler Spencer
Просмотров: 363 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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