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Главная » Статьи » Тексты песен/Lyrics » Sexy Trash (2008)

Bite me (acoustic)
[ Recording?
Are you ready for my sucky-sucky?
Are you ready for the number three?
Are you ready to siphon gasoline?
Are you ready to be set free?
Are you ready for big, big savings?
Are you ready for the master’s hand?
Are you ready for the bloody-bloody?
Are you ready to…
Are you ready to
Bite me!
Delight me!
I paid handsomely for you to excite me,
Your body is something I might not survive,
So bite me!
Bite me!
Категория: Sexy Trash (2008) | Добавил: Leelanders (10.06.2012) | Автор: Tyler Spencer
Просмотров: 375 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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