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Главная » Статьи » Тексты песен/Lyrics » Human Zoo (2014)

Worst Movie Ever


When you burn another deuce, it’s no use, it’s no use,
Why don’t you cut another scene to the floor?
Don’t need no excuse, man, to call another truce,
What makes you think I wannna watch you anymore?

You’ve got a lot of gall,
That electric ball
Is weird and so is the lady

I wish this wasn’t all,
I’m afraid I gotta call
This thing a travesty

Worst movie ever!
Worst movie ever!
Worst movie ever!

When you’re looking on the screen,
What does it mean, what does it mean?
If you don’t buy another ticket to the show

Keep the clean sheet clean,
As we all start turning green,
I see that everybody here has got to go

Nothing is what it seems,
All the Hollywood dreams,
They seem quite strange to me

Budget laser beams,
Hardly anybody screams,
How did this ever come to be?

Worst movie ever!
Worst movie ever!
Worst movie ever!

This won’t win any awards,
This shit was made for TV,
Cut loose your Hasidic landlord
And move some mountains with me

Oh man,
I don’t mean to sound like I’m complaining or anything,
But this thing we just watched is a crime against humanity
You know, I watch a movie for a little bit of escapism, release, you know…
I’m not looking to have my entire world view challenged.
I don’t like I’ve got to go on a killing spree,
Just because I watched a movie…
I don’t know what you gain when mediocrity reigns
And stings you like a bee,
I feel too much pain,
I’ll never be the same again,
Can’t you see what it’s doing to me?

Worst movie ever!
Worst movie ever!
Worst movie ever!
Worst movie ever!



Категория: Human Zoo (2014) | Добавил: Leelanders (18.10.2014)
Просмотров: 305 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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