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Главная » Статьи » Тексты песен/Lyrics » Evil Cowards - Moving Through Security (2012)

System Overload
This night is living history,
This night is such a mystery,
This night I said, I need your system overload
I lost my life on the Ambassador Bridge,
Placing all my bets on everything,
Keeping all my thoughts in the fridge,
Yeah, it was really nothing
Let the fun and games begin,
You got to lose before you win,
And what this really comes down to
Is haircare and maintenance of the skin
Last night I stood at your bed,
Last night I gloried your hand,
Last night you said I need your
System overload!
I feel your system overload,
I need your system overload
Inside my system overload,
Sweet Jesus!
Ooh-hey! Hey! Ooh-yeah!
And now you're moving to a quieter place
For your relentless star-fucking,
I'm left to put it all back into place
Without sucking
Hey! It's such an unoriginal sin,
When love is only meant for a rubbish bin,
And what this really comes down to
Is haircare and maintenance of the skin
This night is living history,
This night is such a mystery,
This night I said I need your
System overload!
I feel your system overload,
I need your system overload
Inside my system overload,
Sweet Jesus!
System overload!
I feel your system overload,
I need your system overload
Inside my system overload
Sweet Jesus!
Категория: Evil Cowards - Moving Through Security (2012) | Добавил: Leelanders (26.10.2012) | Автор: Tyler Spencer
Просмотров: 307 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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