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Главная » Статьи » Тексты песен/Lyrics » Dick Valentine - Halloween Fingers (2013)

I’m Going Back to Sleep

Well, I snooze, but I don't lose,
I'm a somnambulist on the top of the list,
I'm happiest when I'm tucked in,
And I refuse to see sloth as a sin,
From the middle of the night to the morning light,
The time when I feel just right,
I've gotta go to shorten the gap
Between waking up and my afternoon nap,
I wanna earn a coma diploma,
Who do I see about getting me into a coma?
Cause when I lay me down, my soul is yours to keep,
Oh, oh, I'm going back to sleep!
Well, there ain’t no trees in Hamtramck,
It’s a terrible place for the hammocks,
So I got the fuck out of there
And moved to New York City,
I failed all the nitty-gritty, nitty-gritty, nitty-gritty,
They say it’s the city that never sleeps,
Well, you know, that’s about to change,
Cause the price of loving you, girl, just ain’t cheap
Oh, oh, I'm going back to sleep!
Well, life's better in my dreams,
Cause in there, you and me, we’re a team,
And my dreams are powered by your love steam,
But things are never quite what they seem,
I'm going to cryogenically freeze
A dream of your birds and of your bees
Till the day you're on your knees, begging please,
Till then I'm going to catch up on some Zs
You can count me out, but just let me count my sheep,
Oh Lord, I'm going back to sleep!
Категория: Dick Valentine - Halloween Fingers (2013) | Добавил: Leelanders (21.06.2013) | Автор: Tyler Spencer
Просмотров: 447 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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