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Главная » Статьи » Тексты песен/Lyrics » Dick Valentine - Halloween Fingers (2013)

Halloween Fingers

Notice she howls, as you find the right spot,
Halloween fingers stir every witch’s pot,
So stop all your bluffs and show me what you got
Or fold and cry away home
Yesterday’s actress has started to look hit,
Halloween fingers pinch every goblin’s tit,
So come to the States, where the lager is shit,
And I'll invite you into my home
And oh,
Everything comes from the same place,
Everything comes from a regional processing and distribution center in outer space
But don't let your mum and dad know what you know
That they're emotionally equipped to know what you already know
Most of the things they were trying to prevent you from knowing,
The wind is kicking up now and the leaves are blowing
It's over, it's over,
I've been betrayed,
Halloween fingers, the Satan’s lemonade,
So dance around the maypole (?) 
And sing:
Ho-way ho-way ho
Ho-way ho-way ho
Ho-ooh hoo-ooh hoo
Ho-ooh hoo-ooh hoo
Ho-ooh hoo-ooh hoo
Категория: Dick Valentine - Halloween Fingers (2013) | Добавил: Leelanders (21.06.2013) | Автор: Tyler Spencer
Просмотров: 363 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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